Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hope of a New Beginning

Log Activation;
YC 111.06.04

"The first step, my son, which one makes in the universe, is the one on which depends the rest of our days."

The com screen flickers into life showing Atfal's face, the backdrop his hydrostatic capsule behind him. He leans forward and flicks a couple of switches before leaning back again.

Today I received a request by Commander Saifuddin AbdulMuntaqim and Lt Condor Amarr for an interview to enter the ranks of PIE.

The commander spoke mostly on the expectations of a PIE pilot. The ability to be self sufficient and to fly only those ships that you can afford to give your life to god in. I do believe now that my chance meeting with Lt Astrum Latito was God's will. I think now I may have found my place in the universe, a small step on the path to returning to God some of what he has given to me.

Atfal leans forward again and flicks a few more switches a look of concern upon his face.

The agent I hired to look into my family has returned. He says that all is not as it appears with them so it seems. They are not the 'good' Amarrian family that they had people believe. Something I don't doubt at all, to me they have become nothing more than charlatans. If the ministry were to catch up with them, I would enjoy to hear what information they may get out of them.

I have sent him out again to see what further information he may be able to find out. Hopefully he may be able to spread some light on my real heritage. Mind you I do not think it matters to me more than as a passing curiosity now, but I will see when the time comes. For now I must focus on my training and prepare for my hopeful entry into the ranks of the Praetorian.
Terminate Log.

The screen flickers off as the log terminates.
Log Terminated.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Changing Times

Log Activation;
YC 111.06.01

"A man may fulfill the object of his existence by asking a question he cannot answer, and attempting a task he cannot achieve."

Atfal paces back and forward slowly in front of the camera.

I grow impatient with these so called righteous do gooders. I have spent the last two months training hard and flying for various agents within the Amarr Navy. Do not get me wrong in some way I am sure that they are doing good for the Empire. I doubt that everything they do however is not self serving.

The runs against the Sansha to retrieve stolen documents, to eliminate disgruntled ex-employees. The lies they spin to try and turn you away from the path of truth when their lives hang in the balance. I grow tired of them all, some of my agents I am sure are no better than the ones they send me to hunt down. What lies and deceit are they hiding from the Empire, what corruptions......

He stops suddenly, a faint clicking can be heard as he turns toward a simple chair in front of the camera. Slowly he reaches out a hand placing on the back of the chair before moving to sit in it.

I met an interesting person today, her name was Astrum Latito. She had something I have not seen for a while, a passion and a sense that what she does is important.

Atfal lowers his head in contemplation before raising it again, his empty eyes piercing the unseen camera.

She says that her corporation is looking for more pilots to join the fight against the slaves....That they are honorable and believe whole heartedly in the good of the Empire and God. Perhaps this is not a chance meeting, her zeal...intrigues me. I think I will look further into this Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris, perhaps they are where I belong.

End Log...

Log Terminated.