Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Journey Begins

Log Activation;
YC 111.04.01

"Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather that it shall never have a beginning."

Atfal sits head bowed in front of the small camera the blinking light reflecting softly on his capsuleer suit. He raises his head slowly and his sightless eyes pierce into the nothingness. Finally he speaks, a youthful voice in stark contrast to his aged look.

The time has come, a new beginning the first step on the path of duty and righteousness. I am not afraid, nervous perhaps but not afraid.

He reaches down to the table in front of him and lifts a small note, unfolding it gently.

One believes that they know the family they grow up in, that they can rely on those around them a solid base to build upon....but what if it was all a lie...

Perhaps that is why I feel free when I enter the hydrostatic capsule. It is not the sensations I feel when I am there, that I am no longer limited by what I cannot see. God only knows my other senses out reach those of normal sighted people. It is that I am truely free answerable to God alone.

He reaches down, his hand sliding into a small utility pocket and slides out a small lighting device slowly but surely he ignites the lighter and brings the note over the bare flame. The note flares into life burning quickly toward his fingers. Atfal drops it gently onto the floor, the glowing embers drifting carelessly on the drafts in the room.

Is it not bad enough that they let me find out this way, but to leave a note....his voice trails off slightly...a note of all things, do they not think?...The slave girl guarded her emotions well when I got her to read it out aloud for me. I do not know if she pitied me that they would leave me a hand written note or that they were not my family.....he sighs softly...I am...alone..

Atfal slowly rises to his feet

It must be time, I grow weary of this place it has no hold over me anymore. End Log.

The camera blinks slowly once more as Atfal turns and paces steadily away, a barely audible clicking noise can be heard and then the log termintes.

Log Terminated.

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