Friday, July 10, 2009

Light & Shade

Log Activation; YC 111.07.10

"Men are born equal but they are also born different"

The log screen flickers into life, revealing Atfal sitting on the boarding ramp of a Punisher class frigate, his right hand rubbing the small Amarrian symbol hanging around his neck.

I must say it has been sometime since I last put a log in. Much has occurred over that time but I guess a quick rundown will have to suffice. Since last month I have been accepted into the ranks of the Praetorians. It has been a bit of a whirlwind ride I must say.

Atfal turns his head to one side as if listening for something.

I have finally moved all my assets to the relevant locations within the Bleaks. Astrum Latito, the young pilot that impressed me so much, has left PIE. If this was not enough of a shock, she has transferred her family assets to my control to aid in the fight against the heretics. I tried to protest but she insisted, said that she would become my "benefactor" of sorts, whatever that means.

He stands slowly as if straightening out cricks in his back.

I took part in my first fleet operations the other day as well. I must say it was thrilling and frightening at the same time. Scouting for the fleet I was caught in a gate camp by a Claw class interceptor. Needless to say my ship was dealt with quickly by the enemy fleet. All that was going through my mind at the time was the stories of what it was like if you had a pod breach. I thank the lord that I was able to get my pod away safely that day, it is something I think I can wait a bit longer to experience.

Stretching once more his arms outstretched, he lets out a small yawn.

I met two of my fellow PIE pilots at the PPC today. hazlit, one who loves his fine amarrian wine and was a little cautious, and Lt Hiigaren. The Lt finds it hard to let rank structure go I think, but I refuse to accept that in our own relaxation area any of us are greater than the other. It was a very interesting discussion, I'm sure hazlit thought it would end in violence. I must say that would have been interesting, it sure has been a while since I did any hand to hand combat of sorts, I must be rusty.

Atfal laughs thinking of the obvious jokes he would hear about a blind fighting pod pilot.

Well that is the quick run down, my thoughts are a bit slow due to fatigue today. I am sure that I will think of more things to put down in my future logs once I get a bit more used to life in the front line. End log.

The screen fades back to black before flickering out completely.

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