Monday, October 5, 2009


Log Activation; YC 111.10.04

"Touch is the most demystifying of all senses, different from sight which is the most magical."

Atfal paced the room, his mind a mess of thoughts and contradictions. He played over the shopping outing that he had earlier in the day with Lt Shalee. Nearing the end of the trip he had asked of her the favor he knew he shouldn't have.

He voiced his thoughts as he sometimes does when working through problems, he found it helped him solidify things and get a grasp on them.
"Have I placed too much risk on her, given all that she has been through with the brass" he let the question hang in the air....
Walking over to the bar he poured himself a drink, then paced toward a small white seat in the room. The soft clicking noise that he made to sound out where things were in a room echoed slightly off the cavernous interior of the room. Outside a storm was raging snow and sleet beating against the think panels of the observation decking. It matched his mood today, seems his home planet knew him better than he knew himself.
His mind slipped back over the events of his life prior to joining PIE as he sipped at the red sweetly spiced wine. Kari V had been all he had known until he stepped into a pod for the first time. He remembered growing up as a small child, and wading out into the snow capped landscape on still days. The fresh powder crunching under his feet. On those days he imagined he could see, right to the other side of the planet from the observation deck. He was, he thought to himself, happy.
But that life was gone, a distant memory scarred by the fact that his family were not who they appeared. The fact that he wasn't even the son of either of them grated even more on his soul. They murdered his real family and kidnaped him as a child, brought him up as a tool for their own gain.
Atfal lifted the glass up and inhaled a deep breath though his nose. The sweetness of fermented fruit, the hint of spice. Nutmeg and cinnamon he thought to himself before taking a sip. The taste was sweet and lingered in the mouth, full in body and rich. This is the world he lived in now, a life sensed and imagined.
Lowering his glass he spoke allowed to himself, "I expected better news from Doctro Halgren regarding my sight. Normal implants will not be enough to restore it...typical, always the way. But of all the groups of scum why is a Sansha implant the only one that will work. I thought I was rid of that lot once and for all when I excommunicated my family on the day of their capture".
'Sins of the Father' he thought to himself, but it is why he went and spoke to Shalee about it. He still felt uneasy about it now hours after talking to her in the shop. He felt cheap really, the gifts he bought her were to cheer her up and now she must think he was just buttering her up to get what he wanted. Another in a long line of people trying to use her. It wasn't the case and he hoped she saw through it all.
Atfal stood and strolled over to the observation window, placing his had on it's surface. He could feel the vibrations through the panels as the wind, sleet, snow and rain buffeted against it trying to force it's way inside. Futile he thought to himself, again a lot like myself in this venture.
"Is it going to be futile?" he voiced the thought
"I joined PIE supposedly secure in who I was, now I am not so sure. I feel like the foundations I have built upon are nothing more than a snowflake, carried away by the slightest breeze." he sighed.
He skipped through events that had unfolded recently, events that made him question who and what he was becoming. The discharging of swatty, the reprimand of Shalee for standing up for PIE's ethos. It stank of nepotism and archaic ways, an organisation locked into rank and structure and unable to see the truth woven between the lies and deceit.
His mind flicked this way and that, scarcely staying on one thought process before focusing on another problem at hand.
Finally he made up his mind, "What is done is done, hopefully Shalee can put me in contact with someone who can help me in obtaining an implant. That is where her part should end I think, it is no use getting her further into trouble given the effort she goes to now days to stay out of it".
He paced back to the bar pouring the wine down his throat in one gulp "Once I restore my sight then I'll look at my situation in PIE. Perhaps I will see things more clearly, perhaps not, but that is a question for later".
His mind wandered once more, wondering what she looked like in the dress she tried on earlier. It had cost a pretty isk that was for sure.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

As Certain as Life

Log Activation; YC 111.08.31

"People do not die for us immediately, but remain bathed in a sort of aura of life which bears no relation to true immortality but through which they continue to occupy our thoughts in the same way as when they were alive."


Atfal sits atop his small wooden box. He points a small controller at a small screen and with a soft click and whirr the small screen flickers to life, a hazy gun camera film begins to roll.

"YC 111-08-21 16:22:00 Huola System, The Bleak Lands" a computerised voice murmers as the picture clears.

"Minor complex system open, Huola system currently contested"

Warp drive is clearly activated and the ship launches toward the complex acceleration gate.

"Two neutrals on scan" the voice playing on the film is clearly that of Atfal.

The ship slows with the large acceleration gate directly ahead and the right of the ship. Almost immediately claxons sound, blaring over the the voices of the crew and pilot can barely be heard.

"Curse starbord side, he's got a lock....we're being scrammed sir" the voice of a woman chimes over the noise.

"Taking evasive maneouves, all power to engines we need range for warp"

"Vagabond dead ahead and closing" a second crew members voice chimes in.

The ship is rocked by the impact of multiple weapons fire. Attack drones, clearly visible, streak through the camera view. They can bee seen orbiting in combat formation and weapons free. Again the ship is rocked by weapons fire impact. The dual light pulse laser below the gun camera is glowing as it returns fire at the vagabond. Huge chunks of reinforced armor explode into space as the projectiles from the Vagabond begin tearing through it. Jets of gas vent through the rapidly appearing breaches in the hull.

"A computerised voice cuts through the noise....Hull breach iminent, all personell......." it's cut short as the film turns to static.

The screen fades to a pinpoint as Atfal turns it off. He speaks slowly and deliberately flicking the remote over in the palm of his hand.

"I have known the anguish of having a pod breach, of revival in a clone millions miles away. It's not something I want to do often."

He lowers his head, pausing for a brief moment and looks back up.

"But how do I deal with the loss of a crew?....sure they were inexperienced, but so am I. Jason Tae, Sulhim Al'Khardish, Andrew Lyons....Now only names their families will cry out and to what ends?.......Silence that is all that accompanies those calls."

Atfal swallows, an obvious lump in his throat.

"Each crew member I knew, I picked them personally. Sure they knew the risks. I told them of the risks but it doesn't make it any easier. Will it ever be easier, perhaps a crew of slaves........."

Atfal's face changes quickly like the coming of a storm.

"NO! men fight for what the believe in and I will not have it any other way on my ships. I dare not have it any other way."

And as quickly as the storm took shape it fades, the emotions peaking and troughing like a surge. He leans over picking up a small reddish brown book, The Pax Amarria. He runs his fingers across the worn red leather cover, tracing the gilted title on the front.

"I made my way to a place Lt Shalee told me about today, The Garden of Babylon. The place itself seems quite serene, with the sounds of waterfalls and the scent of exotic plants. I thought it fitting to leave a token of rememberance there for the crew. It wasn't anything grand, they wouldn't have liked anything like that"

Atfal lowers his head as if looking at the Pax Amarria. His right hald holds the book tightly while his lands hand slowly takes the gold Amarrian symbol pendant around his neck. He absently thumbs the pendant between his index finger and thumb. He laughs softly to himself.

"It was a single bloom of the Kaldrisa plant, found native to Sarum Prime III. It's the place I gathered the crew prior to shipping down to Kuomi. We did some exercises around the system and became as close as family. Closer than my own that's for sure."

Atfal raises his head, a tear running down his left cheek.

"I tied a small gold ribbon around it, a bond of friendship...."

He raises the Pax Amarria, nodding towards the camera his face stern once more.

"To absent friends....The next one is for you, all of you"

With that Atfal stands and moves forward to the drone camera, a soft clicking noise can be heard as he gets closer, the ranging technique he learnt as a child. He reaches out toward the camera drone blocking the lens with his hand as he fumbles a little while he finds the manual off switch. Then with a small click it switches off.

Log Terminated.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Chance Encounter

Log Activation; YC 111.08.17

"The knowledge of sin is the beginning of salvation."

Aftal sits on the small crate which seems to have become his spot of contemplation lately. Simple yet functional perhaps it says something about him...

It has been a while since I have been able to make it out on patrol, something I do need to make amends for, but I went to see who was at the peons club. I met up with Lt Shalee there today. It was just her drinking some spiced Amarrian wine so I took a seat next to her for some company.

The Lt is amazing yet troubled, for one so.....I don't know...she is able to stir the emotions in so many of PIE, a catalyst of the lord perhaps. Mind you from what I have heard the lord definitely works in mysterious ways if upsetting the brass is the way of the lord.

He runs his right hand over his cleanly shaved scalp, then scratches his forehead.

We spent some time talking and getting to know each other. I talked about god and his love for his people a bit, I'm sure she must think less of me for my ramblings. I sense that she puts so much emotion out to everyone else just to hide that which she doesn't wish to face inside.

A part of the whole that she is ashamed of...but the parts are just that, pieces of a whole. Our history may shape us and bring us to this time and place, but its the soul that shows the truth of ones self. If she comes to the lord as he intended, the whole will be healed and she will find peace I am sure of it. I pray our talk is the first step along the path....perhaps....

God only knows, I have my own demons from the past.......

Aftal's voice trails off, clearly a subject he find hard to discuss.

I do not speak much of my 'family' and no-one in PIE has asked. Something I am happy about, that's for sure. They were nothing but thieves, liars and I hope God's retribution was slow and painful for what they have done. I would not spit on them if they were on fire...

Aftal's face scowls in disgust as he talks

To steal an Amarrian child, take it as their own and for what ends. To worm their way into Amarrian society like a festering sore, to exploit and manipulate the servants of the empire. No they got their justice....

But enough of this, it pains me still.....End Log.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Into the Light

Log Activation; YC 111.07.24

"Those who embrace the Lord and walk in light, shall be saved by his grace. For we are the shepherds in the dark, his Angels of Mercy" - Scriptures. Book of Reclaiming 4:45

The com-link recorder flashes into life, Atfal sits naked on a small crate, a numb look on his face. Beads of sweat periodically run down his face.

I knew the time would come when my reflexes were not fast enough and I would hear the words "Pod Breach Imminent". I have heard the stories told many times of that instant of the....clone activation...

Atfal drops his head down, his shoulders shifty under an unseen heavy weight before he lifts his head once more

I have been briefed a thousand times or more on the pod breach. I know what to expect and yet I did not. I did not truly understand until now.

The mission was simple point the raven, well it was supposed to be simple. I have seen the slaves fit these caladri ships before, always the same, smartbombs to catch the unwary and the small ships. 9km that's the distance stay outside 9km, all fine unless the enemy warps and manages to warp to zero on your ass. All for naught, a death for nothing.....

Atfal hangs his head, his shoulders slump, the burden of shame clear.

The Punisher couldn't take the onslaught, once they bombs went off I knew it, lined up the nearest planet and then....Then the breach.

To stand on the edge of the abyss and to be snatched away. It is unimaginable.....I doubt it will ever be something that I will get used to. The searing light followed by absolute darkness, a feeling of being suffocated, almost buried alive. That followed by a grogginess, waking up from a nightmare that was real.

Alas I have walked in the light, saved by the grace of god, I am an angel of vengeance reborn from the fire.

Atfal lifts his head, a stern look upon his face.

It is true, God places the heaviest burden on those who can carry its weight.

Amarr Victor.
End Log.

The screen flickers fading to black.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Light & Shade

Log Activation; YC 111.07.10

"Men are born equal but they are also born different"

The log screen flickers into life, revealing Atfal sitting on the boarding ramp of a Punisher class frigate, his right hand rubbing the small Amarrian symbol hanging around his neck.

I must say it has been sometime since I last put a log in. Much has occurred over that time but I guess a quick rundown will have to suffice. Since last month I have been accepted into the ranks of the Praetorians. It has been a bit of a whirlwind ride I must say.

Atfal turns his head to one side as if listening for something.

I have finally moved all my assets to the relevant locations within the Bleaks. Astrum Latito, the young pilot that impressed me so much, has left PIE. If this was not enough of a shock, she has transferred her family assets to my control to aid in the fight against the heretics. I tried to protest but she insisted, said that she would become my "benefactor" of sorts, whatever that means.

He stands slowly as if straightening out cricks in his back.

I took part in my first fleet operations the other day as well. I must say it was thrilling and frightening at the same time. Scouting for the fleet I was caught in a gate camp by a Claw class interceptor. Needless to say my ship was dealt with quickly by the enemy fleet. All that was going through my mind at the time was the stories of what it was like if you had a pod breach. I thank the lord that I was able to get my pod away safely that day, it is something I think I can wait a bit longer to experience.

Stretching once more his arms outstretched, he lets out a small yawn.

I met two of my fellow PIE pilots at the PPC today. hazlit, one who loves his fine amarrian wine and was a little cautious, and Lt Hiigaren. The Lt finds it hard to let rank structure go I think, but I refuse to accept that in our own relaxation area any of us are greater than the other. It was a very interesting discussion, I'm sure hazlit thought it would end in violence. I must say that would have been interesting, it sure has been a while since I did any hand to hand combat of sorts, I must be rusty.

Atfal laughs thinking of the obvious jokes he would hear about a blind fighting pod pilot.

Well that is the quick run down, my thoughts are a bit slow due to fatigue today. I am sure that I will think of more things to put down in my future logs once I get a bit more used to life in the front line. End log.

The screen fades back to black before flickering out completely.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hope of a New Beginning

Log Activation;
YC 111.06.04

"The first step, my son, which one makes in the universe, is the one on which depends the rest of our days."

The com screen flickers into life showing Atfal's face, the backdrop his hydrostatic capsule behind him. He leans forward and flicks a couple of switches before leaning back again.

Today I received a request by Commander Saifuddin AbdulMuntaqim and Lt Condor Amarr for an interview to enter the ranks of PIE.

The commander spoke mostly on the expectations of a PIE pilot. The ability to be self sufficient and to fly only those ships that you can afford to give your life to god in. I do believe now that my chance meeting with Lt Astrum Latito was God's will. I think now I may have found my place in the universe, a small step on the path to returning to God some of what he has given to me.

Atfal leans forward again and flicks a few more switches a look of concern upon his face.

The agent I hired to look into my family has returned. He says that all is not as it appears with them so it seems. They are not the 'good' Amarrian family that they had people believe. Something I don't doubt at all, to me they have become nothing more than charlatans. If the ministry were to catch up with them, I would enjoy to hear what information they may get out of them.

I have sent him out again to see what further information he may be able to find out. Hopefully he may be able to spread some light on my real heritage. Mind you I do not think it matters to me more than as a passing curiosity now, but I will see when the time comes. For now I must focus on my training and prepare for my hopeful entry into the ranks of the Praetorian.
Terminate Log.

The screen flickers off as the log terminates.
Log Terminated.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Changing Times

Log Activation;
YC 111.06.01

"A man may fulfill the object of his existence by asking a question he cannot answer, and attempting a task he cannot achieve."

Atfal paces back and forward slowly in front of the camera.

I grow impatient with these so called righteous do gooders. I have spent the last two months training hard and flying for various agents within the Amarr Navy. Do not get me wrong in some way I am sure that they are doing good for the Empire. I doubt that everything they do however is not self serving.

The runs against the Sansha to retrieve stolen documents, to eliminate disgruntled ex-employees. The lies they spin to try and turn you away from the path of truth when their lives hang in the balance. I grow tired of them all, some of my agents I am sure are no better than the ones they send me to hunt down. What lies and deceit are they hiding from the Empire, what corruptions......

He stops suddenly, a faint clicking can be heard as he turns toward a simple chair in front of the camera. Slowly he reaches out a hand placing on the back of the chair before moving to sit in it.

I met an interesting person today, her name was Astrum Latito. She had something I have not seen for a while, a passion and a sense that what she does is important.

Atfal lowers his head in contemplation before raising it again, his empty eyes piercing the unseen camera.

She says that her corporation is looking for more pilots to join the fight against the slaves....That they are honorable and believe whole heartedly in the good of the Empire and God. Perhaps this is not a chance meeting, her zeal...intrigues me. I think I will look further into this Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris, perhaps they are where I belong.

End Log...

Log Terminated.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Journey Begins

Log Activation;
YC 111.04.01

"Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather that it shall never have a beginning."

Atfal sits head bowed in front of the small camera the blinking light reflecting softly on his capsuleer suit. He raises his head slowly and his sightless eyes pierce into the nothingness. Finally he speaks, a youthful voice in stark contrast to his aged look.

The time has come, a new beginning the first step on the path of duty and righteousness. I am not afraid, nervous perhaps but not afraid.

He reaches down to the table in front of him and lifts a small note, unfolding it gently.

One believes that they know the family they grow up in, that they can rely on those around them a solid base to build upon....but what if it was all a lie...

Perhaps that is why I feel free when I enter the hydrostatic capsule. It is not the sensations I feel when I am there, that I am no longer limited by what I cannot see. God only knows my other senses out reach those of normal sighted people. It is that I am truely free answerable to God alone.

He reaches down, his hand sliding into a small utility pocket and slides out a small lighting device slowly but surely he ignites the lighter and brings the note over the bare flame. The note flares into life burning quickly toward his fingers. Atfal drops it gently onto the floor, the glowing embers drifting carelessly on the drafts in the room.

Is it not bad enough that they let me find out this way, but to leave a note....his voice trails off slightly...a note of all things, do they not think?...The slave girl guarded her emotions well when I got her to read it out aloud for me. I do not know if she pitied me that they would leave me a hand written note or that they were not my family.....he sighs softly...I am...alone..

Atfal slowly rises to his feet

It must be time, I grow weary of this place it has no hold over me anymore. End Log.

The camera blinks slowly once more as Atfal turns and paces steadily away, a barely audible clicking noise can be heard and then the log termintes.

Log Terminated.